10 Top Tips for Choosing Your Bridesmaids

They will stand by you through the highs and lows of wedding planning, so choosing your bridesmaids should be given some serious thought. Here's how to ensure the perfect choice.

1. Decide how many bridesmaids you want
First and foremost, make a decision on the amount of bridesmaids you want. Whether it's two bridesmaids or ten, the total should be reflective of your personal preference and what you feel is necessary for your big day. Decide whether an even or odd number is important to you.

2. Consult your family
There's nothing worse than a family feud on a wedding day, so make sure you ask the family members who should be traditionally part of the bridal party. While sisters, sister-in-laws and nieces can be commonplace, you can start to put your foot down when second cousins twice-removed are suggested.

3. Who are your nearest and dearest?
While you may have a big social circle, choosing your bridesmaids should not be a people-pleasing exercise. Think about who you speak to regularly, who show genuine interest in your life, who are trustworthy and kind, and who have been there through thick and thin... they are the keepers and the ones who will make the best bridesmaids, or bridesmen.

4. Don't forget your childhood friends
A childhood friend who is a friend for life should definitely be considered as one of your leading ladies. You may not see them as much as you like, but when you do see each other it's like nothing ever changed. On the flip side, if you have a childhood friend who doesn't come close to the relationship you have with your more recent gal pals, then don't feel you have to choose them.

5. Beware of the bride who has been there and done it
She may have great ideas and advice because she has got the t-shirt, but this friend has the potential to take over your planning. Constantly comparing to her big day and dictating what you should and shouldn't do can become a worrying prospect, so assess her personality in the first instance and approach with caution.

6. Are you having flower girls?
Don't forget your flower girls (or page boys, for that matter). If there are infant relatives or children of your own to accommodate in the bridal procession, think about how this will impact on the dynamic and look of the group.

7. Choose your maid of honour
Once you have settled on your squad, decide who will take the lead role as maid of honour. This might be an obvious decision for some, but for those who need a little more help consider the responsibilities that come with the chief position (directing the bridesmaids, hosting the hen party, holding the bride's bouquet and arranging her veil on the day etc). The MOH should be sensible, practical, organised... and know how to throw a great party.

8. Assign roles
When the MOH is decided upon, think about how the rest of your bridesmaids can have a part to play in the planning process. They should all have some input in the hen party, but you can also assign individual tasks to make them feel extra appreciated: late-night DIY projects, arranging the hair and make-up trials, and co-ordinating the dress fittings, are all jobs some of your maids can take on.

9. Think about your bridesmaid proposals
Bridesmaid proposals are big business right now. Get creative and think how best to break the news to your group. Personalised sweet treats (think macarons, cupcakes and cake pops); presentation boxes filled with photos, champagne and chocolates; or an afternoon tea celebration for you and your ladies, offer some interesting ways to make a moment out of the announcement.

10. Announce your squad and celebrate
One of the best moments of planning a wedding is announcing to your bridesmaids that they have made the cut. There will be hugs, tears and laughter aplenty, establishing even more of an unbreakable bond. Discuss their roles and responsibilties and in the nicest possible way, your expectations.

With your line-up settled, now it's time to celebrate. If ever there was a reason for more champagne, then this is it. Ensure that being your bridesmaid isn't a daunting thought for them by toasting your squad in style and getting the party started to mark the occasion.